Monday, April 4, 2011

London Calling

Hello all,
This is just a quick update about my spring break (which I am currently in the middle of) while I still have easy access to a computer.  I have been to Berlin also, but it would take too long to upload all the photos, so I am going to stick with telling you all about London. For which I have no photos.  I have come down to London a couple times now, and considering the fact that I am going to be constantly doing touristy things once I leave, I decided to take it easy this weekend.
The train down from Edinburgh was unfortunately 2 hours delayed on saturday.  Apparently some criminal master mind snuck around the lowlands of Scotland in the middle of the night thieving the poor train lines of their cable.  The good people of East Coast trains awoke this morning cable-less and thus signal-less, and helpless in the face of this overwhelming problem.  Or so they would have us believe.  But regardless I did make it into London and over to Lisa and Grant's place.
While I was struggling to make it through multiple failing transit systems (the tube undergoes major construction on the weekends), my good friend Sarah Glover was also entering the city from the house where she is an au pair to meet me!
Once she gets in our wild weekend of various mishaps began! Firstly, Lisa and Grant headed off to go get a mother's day card for Grant's mum (Mother's Day is way earlier over here, crazy Brits).  But Sarah and I had keys to the flat, and a tag to de-activate the alarm, so had free access to the flat! Unfortunately the tags were not set up yet, so once we entered the door, the alarm blares.  Oh shit. I start panicking, rubbing the tags every which way over the alarm but nothing! Sweating bullets, I called Lisa's cell phone on repeat, to no avail, leaving increasingly desperate messages on her voice mail.  I strained my ears, listening for the sound of approaching sirens. I fully expected a police car to show up, throw me into the back of the cop car, drag me off to have my first mug shot, and spend the night at a British prison.  While I was borderline hysteric, Sarah kept her head much better.  She simply walked into the kitchen opened up a bottle of red wine and poured us two glasses.  Only thing we could really do in the situation.  Eventually Lisa and Grant meandered home and we were saved.  My record is free from a charge of breaking and entering.
The four of us and Grant's old flatmate Lucy went out for a lovely dinner at Le Mitre, a nearby pub, where I had absolutely fabulous Sea Bass. From there we left to Sarah's friend's apartment in South Kensington.  It was a pretty cool bachelor apartment.  The bed slides out from the wall at night, turning the living room into the dining room.  Here we met up with 2 more au pairs (one of which happened to be Canadian) and headed out to the Clapham Grand, a cheesy huge night club.
Wild dancing ensued.  Exhausted, we stumbled into a Macdonald's so that Sarah can get a late night snack.  She also stops in the bathroom.  While I am waiting in the restaurant, another alarm goes off.  Sarah had managed to accidentally pull the emergency disabled alarm in the toilet! Two alarms in 12 hours.  It was too much for me to handle.  A table of guys started to heckle her, but justice was quickly delivered, when they got caught for having alcohol and forcibly removed from the premises.
Finally made it back to Lisa and Grant's flat.  Definitely a great night out!
The next day we wandered around Nottinghill and saw the Kensington palace.  We stopped off for sushi at the most surreal restaurant.  Not only was there a 'thrill bar' upstairs (I didn't ask and I don't think you should either), angel wings in glass cases on the walls, creepy butterflies and sayings like "as above, so below' on the walls, there was also copious amounts of small children in rollerblades. However, the sushi was decent and we had a good time.  For our afternoon snack, we went into an organic frozen yoghurt place.  Sarah ordered chocolate sauce on hers, and typically the lid fell off and covered the whole thing in chocolate.  While the guy went to make her another one, I surreptitiously moved the failed yoghurt closer to me.  After paying, I quickly grabbed the third yoghurt, and dashed out the store! 3 yoghurts for the price of 2. Finally our luck was turning around!
Afterwards, Sarah headed home, and I went back to the flat to meet Grant and Lisa, who were returning from a day with Grant's mother.  While, Lisa finished up some school work, Grant and I headed to the movie theater to see Chalet Girl.  A super cheesy but super awesome movie set in the Austrian Alps. Afterwards we enjoyed a great meal of Chinese takeaway.
Well I had better get going, I have to head out to Luton Airport to catch my 1:50 plane to Barcelona.  I can't wait for some sunshine.  I will update again as soon as I can, and expect a belated blog post on Berlin soon!
Hope everyone had as great of weekend as I did!
The Sheepish Traveller

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